PHOTOGRAPHY is the brush stroke of the impatient painter.
Our canvas is film. Our medium is light. We attempt to manipulate images,
though often those images manipulate us. We seek to freeze moments in
time: whether it's the hours-long exposure of stars crawling across a night
sky - or the mere fraction of a second when a bullet strikes a playing card.
Photography enables us to examine the microscopic world of DNA, to see
distant galaxies and to look inside ourselves. These frozen moments reach
out across the years, allowing us to touch the past - and helping us gain an
understanding of the future - and most importantly - ourselves.
Robert Burch Communications encompasses several
pursuits: photography remains my principal activity, but
I am also involved with video production and writing.
These interests often overlap, resulting in stimulating
relationships with a number of clients and colleagues.
I consider myself fortunate in being able to pursue a
career which is also a passion.

This unusual portrait is courtesy of the Neurological Unit
of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. I was examined
for a possible skull fracture following a minor traffic accident.
Fortunately, I received a clean bill of health.

I was born in rural Michigan, but Montreal, Canada has
been my home for nearly three decades. The colorful
and often emotional interchange between English and
French cultures makes Montreal a dynamic place to live.
Innovation and creative thinking are the hallmarks of our
vibrant way of life. We have hosted a World's Fair and
the 1976 Olympic Games. This legacy continues with
our numerous cultural festivals, sports events and rich
diversity in the performing arts.
I am best known as a
Travel Photographer.
Currently I am involved
with Tourist Boards of
several West African
nations who are actively
pursuing programs to
lure tourists to a different
type of travel destination.

Mention "Africa" and most travelers conjure up images
of wild animals and safaris. These activities have been
highly successful in East Africa - home to the great herds
that inhabit the Serengeti. But Africa is a huge continent,
comprising 54 countries. Wildlife exists everywhere, but
it is often reclusive, requiring patience to find it.

The true wealth of Africa lies in its rich cultural diversity,
and nowhere is this more evident than in West Africa where
many diverse indigenous cultures exist side by side. 

Centuries-old values have survived in the form of numerous
traditional ceremonies. In 1999 Otumfuo Osei Tutu II became
king of the Ashanti when Otumfuo Opoke Ware II passed
away. Royal princesses preceed the arrival of the new King,
adorned with the gold that is the source of Ashanti wealth.
History comes alive in the walls of ancient castles and forts
from the colonial era when the tragic commerce of slavery
was an acceptable reality.

Now more than ever, emerging nations on this vast continent
struggle to preserve their cultural heritage - but they are also
eager to share it with the rest of the world.

Here too is the rain forest, home to
bashful animals, ancient trees,
colorful butterflies and a profusion
of birds. It presents a challenge to
the wildlife photographer, requiring
patience, stamina and persistence.

Photography provides a window
into this world, and increases our
awareness of the rapid destruction
of habitat and depletion of natural
resources throughout the world.

"Eco-Tourism" encompasses more than the preservation of wildlife and habitat. It also
relates to the preservation of culture. Eco-Tourism programs in East Africa generate a
substantial amount of foreign revenue, but these highly successful ventures have not
been without a price. The volume of visitors has created stress for the wildlife, and local
ethnic groups have experienced cultural erosion with very little economic benefit.

We must ensure that future programs learn from past mistakes; it is imperative that they
include the indigenous population and that they derive direct income at the village level. 
Such measures provide important incentives for preservation of these natural wonders.

Are you interested in an Adventure Tour to West Africa?