I have mastered technical expertise is several other areas of photography resulting from
being in the right place at the right time. With the Olympics occurring in my own city I was
fortunate to become accredited as a photographer at the 1976 Summer Olympics in
Montreal. Since that time I have been privileged to shoot both Winter & Summer Olympics
as well as the Pan-American Games. At Lake Placid during the 1980 Games, I saw my
first hot air balloon - the beginning of a twenty year love affair with Ballooning. Taking
pictures of these "Gentle Giants" remains a preoccupation.

My infatuation with Fireworks began with the childhood joy of the 4th of July holiday. I
continue to be mesmerized by the thunder and colorful palate of a fireworks pageant,
and I now possess a large collection of pyrotechnic images. I have dabbled in fashion,
architecture, dance, aerial and other photographic disciplines, but it is the lure of
exotic places and new adventures that captures my imagination.

Both the United States and Canada
provide a never-ending supply of images
for my collection. I have been to all the
Canadian provinces and territories, and
visited 44 states in the US. From major
cities to our magnificent national parks, I
am inspired by the wealth and splendor
of natural beauty right here in our own
backyard. My favorite area has to be the
American southwest with its sculptured
rocks, secret canyons and mystical light.

I have traveled in over 70 countries during my career - for sports events, travel and tourism
assignments, industrial photography, video production, attendance at balloon events, and
participation in conferences and symposiums. At least half of these places are nations with
developing economies. Any photographer who has worked in these regions is aware of the
special conditions. Often taking the photo is the easy part.

The difficulties begin with obtaining authorizations, getting military clearances, press
credentials, arranging visas, crossing borders, customs regulations, canceled flights,
police roadblocks, lost or damaged luggage, questionable transportation, acquiring
entry permits, language barriers, observing local religious values, and putting up with
nasty insects, lousy food and "interesting" accommodations. Patience, Persistence
and Politeness are the three ingredients of a successful assignment. And sometimes
a small but expedient dash, bakshish or petit cadeau is required to "grease the wheels".

Bureaucracy is a wonderful thing: it creates employment.

Though occasionally incarcerated, often delayed, and frequently frustrated, I have
never failed to bring home the goods. My years of experience in these challenging
environments have taught me many subtle tricks: unwarranted flattery, undeserved
compliments and pleading ignorance - coupled with profuse apologies - have
enabled me to charm the most obstinate official. Clients seldom know of these trials
and tribulations, but they are happy with the pictures.
I stated that I am also a video producer and
writer. These activities are often associated
with my photography pursuits. I have been
involved with Video Production since 1978.
My productions are primarily for corporate
communications, travel-tourism, and government.

My Writing includes journalism, press releases,
scripting and some creative writing. To find out
more about these activities, please click on the
highlighted words.