I began writing in 1983 as a
result of many negative
experiences with professional writers. I seemed to always be waiting for copy and often when it arrived, it was full of errors. One day I told myself, "I could have written that in one morning and it would have been correct!" I decided to try my luck the next time I had to furnish a story to go with my photos. I more or less bluffed my way into the field, but no-one has figured that out yet. My first stories were about travel-tourism and some
I have written for several photography
magazines and my
pictures have appeared in many more. The "Minolta Mirror" is Minolta's annual international gallery of photographers using Minolta equipment. Selected portfolios of mine have been featured on four occasions from 1978 through 1991, more than any other photographer. Ballooning and Fireworks are two of my great passions
My intense interest in Africa
carries over into my journalism.
As an associate editor I contribute articles to African Link as well as Akwaaba, the in-flight magazine of Ghana Airways. Subjects include African affairs, economic development, indigenous peoples, travel & tourism, reviews of cultural events and ecological issues. "Travel Africa" is a fairly new magazine. I have had stories published in every issue. In 1999, I designed, wrote and photographed a new
Script writing rounds out my activities as a "wordsmith".
Creative writing is something I do
for amusement.
Several years ago I joined a writer's group. It wasn't the first time, but this group was different. Out of 15 people there are 3 novelists, 2 television producers, and 4 poets. The rest of us write short stories. I did write my first novel, but that was an experiment to see if I could really do it. It took me three months of obsessive behavior - sometimes 20 hours a day. The most frustrating element was waiting for people to return phone calls with research information that I desperately needed, and some of the things I learned were stranger than fiction. Did you know - that on average, six people per year are bitten by poisonous snakes in New York City? |
I also discovered that the writing
is the easy part; getting published is another story.
I gave up after only four rejections.I truly admire those who can endure 60 rejections and still have the fortitude to keep trying. So I'm sticking to short stories. I figure the odds are better of being published. My stories tend to be based on real experiences but like all truth they read better when sprinkled with liberal amounts of fantasy and imagination. Did I catch that fish or did I just "borrow" it for the photo? Before you go I invite you to visit my other pages to check out some of my photos, hobbies and obsessions. Thanks for taking the time to visit me. |